Monday, July 4, 2011

The Garden Chronicles July 4, 2011 - A Prime Holiday Weekend

Perfect weather makes a perfect holiday weekend.  After many weeks of dreary rain, cool temperatures, and little sun, the garden grows slowly with few successes.  Warmer, sunnier days in the last couple of weeks resulted in lush flowering yarrow, daisy, and day lily.  The asparagus has been producing well for over 6 weeks, and a small harvest of cherries and honey berries resulted in this cobbler-for-two.

The 30-day lettuce is our spring-into-summer mainstay for salads, as is dill, mint, and chives.  The Egyptian onions are also a nice enhancement to our salads.

The strawberries did poorly this June, and this afternoon we will clear out the plants entirely to make room for something more productive while there is time for growing: beans, for certain.  Maybe rutabagas, too.  Next year, we will re-plant strawberries.

Raspberries, black and red, and black currants are next up for harvesting in about a week.

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