Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Garden Chronicles - Sept. 24, 2009

The pears and raspberries combine to make a naturally sweet fruit preserve.

The vegetable garden is beginning to wane. Today's harvest: zucchini, tomatoes, Swiss chard, and more raspberries.

This is one beautiful rose that truly enjoyed yesterday's rain showers.

Now here is a surprise: Some morning glories have been blooming in the strawberry bed.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Garden Chronicles - Sept. 7, 2009

Two crates of fruit today from the apple and pear trees. The pears are near-perfect; the apples not even close. But we never expected apples at all since this Honeycrisp tree has not produced fruit in years. They are lumpy but juicy, and a pie is in our future.

This Savoy cabbage seems to be the one and only that produced a head in the garden. It is a lone achievement given that it was started from seed in the Biodome in March and survived the drought this summer. It made a tasty cole slaw.

We have been underwhelmed by the squash production until we noticed this 12+ inch long pair hiding under the leaves.

On Labor Day, all is well in the vegetable garden.