Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Garden Chronicles May 22, 2011 - Wet Spring Continues, Every Living Thing Thrives

Since last post, we had warmer, sunny days then more rain resulting in lush, green lawns and trees fully blooming.  Below is our apple tree through my rain-streaked window yesterday morning.  This apple tree is a reluctant fruit-bearer.  It has not blossomed like this in a several years.  Perhaps we will have apples this fall.  This is a Honey Crisp tree.

Between the showers of yesterday, I planted the tomatoes, and earlier in the week, the squash and cucumber plants.  These are the plants that we started indoors in the hot-house.  The squash and cucumber plants were weakened by the time I planted them outdoors - too much indoor time, but most have flower buds.  If they survive the heavy rains this weekend, they may form fruits.  The tomatoes seem strong, and will need good sunshine to grow larger and form flowers.  The eggplant (lower right) is a healthy plant that grew all winter in the hot-house.  We have high hopes for it this summer!

The strawberry bed is a weedy mess, but between the grass you can see strawberry flowers.  In another month, we will have mouth-watering strawberries, the joy of early summer.

My friend, Thuy, is graduating with a Masters' degree in computer science this weekend.  I stitched for her this bookmark as a gift.  Congratulations, Thuy!

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