Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Labor Day Weekend 2007

This is the time for big harvests in our garden, but sometimes this summer it just felt as if the bunnies were quicker to harvest things (such as our beans) before they even started growing.

This bunny print sewed up nicely as a new apron! So appropos for this season.

Between our garden harvest and a visit to the farmers market, we cooked up a large supply of tomato sauce that will last quite a while. Fresh tomatoes, peppers, basil, oregano, and thyme leaves - this is what we live for all year long.

A trip to Minnehaha Falls on Labor Day presented the perfect photo opp. The falls were glorious on this day, with recent rains restoring the flow from a trickle earlier in the summer.

This statue of Minnehaha carried by Hiawatha is so sweet and stands in the creek leading to Minnehaha Falls.

1 comment:

Neila said...

How cute is that apron!! I absolutely love aprons.