Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Garden Chronicles August 28, 2011 - The BIG Harvests of 2011

The improved weather of the last few weeks accounted for HUGE yields this week.  These photos show just some of the incredible harvests of fruit and veggies, all from our backyard.  

Yellow and green beans, yellow squash, three kinds of tomatoes, Swiss chard.

The garden bunnies didn't get any of the kale, chard, mint or basil.

Ready for the freezer: three gallons of kale, two gallons of chard, and one quart each of basil and mint.

A sampling of the pears this week.We did a better job of getting to them before the birds did.

One of the best grape harvests ever, and sweeter than last year's.

No shortage of zucchini.  More than 30 lbs, and at least 20 of it went to Dorothy Day Center (homeless shelter and soup kitchen in downtown St. Paul) where they love receiving donations of fresh produce.

One day spent canning resulted in six pints of grape jelly, three half-pints champagne currant jelly, six half-pints red currant jelly, and four half-pints black currant jelly.  The pears went into eight pints of pear-pineapple preserves, a packed one-gallon bag dehydrated pear slices, and a few quarts of pear sauce.

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