Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Garden Chronicles May 14, 2011 - This cool, wet Spring

This morning it is 45 degrees, raining, windy - A perfect fall day, but not on May 14.  The average temp this time of year is 65, but averages mean little where we live.  It was nearly 85 degrees last weekend.  You could say we're right at the average, mathematically speaking, but that is little consolation to the hot house full of tomatoes and squash plants that want to go in the ground.  Too soon for them, but perhaps next weekend if the weather improves over the next several days.  

Meanwhile, the pear, cherry, and plum trees are blooming above the tulips in the front yard.  It looks like Spring, even if the temperature is variable.

The early lettuce is benefiting from lots of rain and doesn't mind cooler temps.

The asparagus are also larger and tastier than in previous years, likely because the rains have made up for years of drought that tortured our garden.

David planted another cold frame this week with Swiss chard, and we are looking forward to it weeks from now.  This is the same heirloom variety we planted two seasons ago that fed us from early summer until frost.

This rainy morning we visited the Minneapolis Farmers' Market where vendors had bedding plants for sale (flowers, vegetables, and herbs), and also fresh fruits and vegetables grown far south of here.  They also sold brats, French fries, plate-sized doughnuts and caramel buns, and hot dogs that were being consumed for breakfast.

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