At Richardson Nature Center, the maple syrup season is getting a late start, but if the temperatures go above freezing this week through next weekend, we may have some good days for demonstrating the maple syrup process to visitors. During the first weekend of March, we demo'ed how to tap the trees and hang the buckets, but it was too cold for the sap to flow. And we had water boiling in the evaporator. A little disappointing for the guests, but we should have a better demonstration next weekend, if spring would finally arrive.
Winter reading continues while the weather provides incentive to stay inside. I highly recommend this book: Babylon's Ark by Lawrence Anthony. Anthony staged the rescue of the Baghdad Zoo while war was raging throughout the city in 2003. His story is one of courage, leadership, hope, and compassion. He set out to achieve a near miracle despite dire conditions and extreme danger. His vision for the zoo and single-minded determination help him and all who work on the project toward their eventual success. The animals he and his team save are symbols of strong will and the power of positive thinking. It is a very inspiring story with mostly happy endings.
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